пятница, 12 марта 2010 г.

Rubik's Cube Assembly Schema

I made this scheme for easily remember necessary steps to assemble 2x2x2, 3x3x3 and 5x5x5 Rubik's cubes.


In both cases first you need to assemble one row. It's fairly easy and can be done without schematics. On 3x3x3 cube, this step is sometimes referred to as assembling the cross because middle tiles on second row must match colors with tiles in the first row.


In 2x2x2 cube after assembling one row put other row's pieces to their positions (colors may be not on their positions). This is what's scheme's first row is for.

When it's done, look at the cube from the side opposing to fully assembled one. You should get one of positions from scheme's second or third rows. You may encounter several of those positions until you get the cube assembled.


In order to assemble 3x3x3 cube you need to fist assemble second row, then the top one using instructions from lower part of the scheme one by one.

A note on the steps with a star. After you make a round you may find your cube shuffled again. But do not lose cube's orientation. Put one of pieces marked with hatching to active position (where arrow is shown) and repeat same steps again. Maybe, you'll have to repeat same operation for another hatched piece, but after that your cube will regain it's order.

All operations should be performed in the order they are shown in the scheme. The exception is the last row - it's just a counterclockwise version of preceding row and it's technically not needed to assemble the cube.


Start  by assembling 3x3 centers one opposing pair at a time. Next step is assembling edges. If you end up with three edges with two blocks of the same color an one of another, you can assemble all three of them in one move. If you end up with two such edges, use the combination from the picture.

When all centers and edges are assembled use 3x3x3 moves to complete assembly.

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